I'm not going to lie, January is my least favorite month of the year. Between the frigid temps and all-around laziness (not to mention the post-holiday slump — ugh!), I'm most definitely not a fan. Speaking of which, can you believe that today marks one month since Christmas? I can't even.
At the risk of sounding cliché, I've compiled a list of "goals" (and better practices) that I hope will keep me in check over the next 11 months. In lieu of New Year's resolutions, I'm all about celebrating the small victories. From fine-tuning my photography skills to blogging more consistently, and everything in between, here are some things that I would love to check off my to-do list this year.
2. Practice yoga: While I won't be joining a yoga studio anytime soon, I will be putting this yoga app to use by learning new yoga poses on a weekly basis. From becoming more flexible to de-stressing, I think a little yoga will be a welcome addition to my daily/weekly routine.
3. Rack up those steps on my FitBit: I received a Fitbit Charge for Christmas and have been wearing it ever since. During these winter months, I admittedly have a tendency to go into hibernation mode (don't we all?!). My FitBit has made me especially aware of this lately, and thus, I want to make it a goal to get movin' more on a daily basis.
4. Drink more water: When I drink more water, I noticeably feel a lot more energized and ready to tackle the day. (Not to mention that drinking water keeps your skin hydrated and youthful-looking.) Alas, during the winter, I'm not always as proactive about drinking the suggested 64 ounces per day.
5. Take better care of my skin: Now that I'm in my mid-twenties (cue frowny face), I'm starting to realize how important it is to take care of my skin. From using eye cream at night to squeezing in more Zzzzs, I hope to nail down a skincare routine in an effort to keep premature aging at bay.
6. Blog more frequently: This one's a biggie for me. As all fellow bloggers know, maintaining a blog takes a LOT of work, time and dedication. First things first: I would love to create a blogging schedule and establish some consistency around here. Teaming up for collaborations and sponsorships is also on my agenda in the coming months.
7. Pencil in time for reading: While this primarily includes magazines + coffee table books, I'm definitely open to broadening my horizon to a few fiction novels.
8. Improve my writing: As a freelance writer, it's incredibly important that I allot time to working on my métier. This includes keeping a working vocabulary list and reading fashion magazines, websites and blogs for inspiration on how to write better (i.e. sentence structure, word usage, flow). If any of you have tips on becoming a better writer, then by all means, send them my way :)
9. Design more layouts: Going beyond Polyvore and Canva, I would love to start creating more layouts in Photoshop. Unfortunately, I've semi-forgotten how to use Photoshop and will need to refamiliarize myself with the interface. All in all, I think having a working efficiency in PS will be a great resume booster and all-around, useful skillset to have under my belt.
10. Avoid style conundrums at all costs: As far as my style goes, this year, I just want to have fun! Instead of reaching for my go-to field jacket or favorite jeans on the daily, I want to mix it up with outfits that represent my ever-evolving style. From super preppy one day to a little more downtown (or even boho) the next, I want to avoid getting stuck in a rut or feeling as though I have to establish a set uniform.
What are your personal goals and resolutions for the new year? Leave a comment below!
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